Global pharmaceutical manufacturer gets relief from mobile computer ‘headaches’

CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION CS_Pharma Distribution Overview Customer Case Overview Challenge Repeated user complaints of long delays on handheld mobile scanning devices across this global manufacturer’s distribution centers went unresolved for nearly a year. The IT and Operations teams struggled to pinpoint the elusive causes of the latency, disconnections and other problems that[…]

WLAN Capacity: Theory vs. Reality

WLAN in Distribution Centers Most DC managers understand that they need much greater WLAN capacity (i.e. throughput) when they roll-out data intensive applications like SAP ITSMobile. Yet, even after they’ve taken the apparently prudent step of increasing the aggregate data rate that theoretically matches load demands, they are regularly confounded by the continued performance complaints[…]

Recouping Lost Time In Mobile Data Collections Operations

Introduction The performance and reliability of a distribution center’s wireless infrastructure is vital to optimal workflow performance and employee efficiency in RF data collections. Unfortunately, an underperforming infrastructure can result in unstable sessions, slow or erratic response times and the frequent need to re-logon to the host application. These issues cause interruptions to workflows and[…]


GAME CHANGING TECHNOLOGY Introduction Repeating a cycle that occurs every few years, the operating system producers and ruggedized mobile device manufacturers are once again phasing out the old and bringing in the new. For thousands of companies and millions of mobile workers, this means yet-another costly and painful round of infrastructure changes: Applications in the[…]